Nick Keloms:Living Life in Survival Mode
- neues Buch 4, ISBN: 9781462854691
Life isn't always easy. For me it is always like a roller-coaster. You have your ups and your downs and sometimes you feel totally upside down. Unlike a roller-coaster though, in life you… Mehr…
Life isn't always easy. For me it is always like a roller-coaster. You have your ups and your downs and sometimes you feel totally upside down. Unlike a roller-coaster though, in life you have forks in the road that can lead to different avenues and life changing events. I have dealt with the loss of close friends and family members, but have also gained some along the way. I have had to make some diffi cult decisions that would change my life forever. This book is the story of my life so far. T Life isn't always easy. For me it is always like a roller-coaster. You have your ups and your downs and sometimes you feel totally upside down. Unlike a roller-coaster though, in life you have forks in the road that can lead to different avenues and life changing events. I have dealt with the loss of close friends and family members, but have also gained some along the way. I have had to make some diffi cult decisions that would change my life forever. This book is the story of my life so far. There are many strange, funny and challenging events that have happened along the way. I have written about a few lessons I have learned either from other people or the hard way. Hopefully by reading this story you can relate, laugh, be dumbfounded, or even learn something. I hope you enjoy reading about this adventure that I call my life. Adult, Self Improvement, Living Life in Survival Mode~~ Nick Keloms~~Adult~~Self Improvement~~9781462854691, en, Living Life in Survival Mode, Nick Keloms, 9781462854691, Xlibris, 04/08/2011, , , , Xlibris, 04/08/2011<
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Nick Keloms:Living Life in Survival Mode
- neues Buch 4, ISBN: 9781462854691
Life isn't always easy. For me it is always like a roller-coaster. You have your ups and your downs and sometimes you feel totally upside down. Unlike a roller-coaster though, in life you… Mehr…
Life isn't always easy. For me it is always like a roller-coaster. You have your ups and your downs and sometimes you feel totally upside down. Unlike a roller-coaster though, in life you have forks in the road that can lead to different avenues and life changing events. I have dealt with the loss of close friends and family members, but have also gained some along the way. I have had to make some diffi cult decisions that would change my life forever. This book is the story of my life so far. T Life isn't always easy. For me it is always like a roller-coaster. You have your ups and your downs and sometimes you feel totally upside down. Unlike a roller-coaster though, in life you have forks in the road that can lead to different avenues and life changing events. I have dealt with the loss of close friends and family members, but have also gained some along the way. I have had to make some diffi cult decisions that would change my life forever. This book is the story of my life so far. There are many strange, funny and challenging events that have happened along the way. I have written about a few lessons I have learned either from other people or the hard way. Hopefully by reading this story you can relate, laugh, be dumbfounded, or even learn something. I hope you enjoy reading about this adventure that I call my life. Book, , Living Life in Survival Mode~~ Nick Keloms~~Book~~9781462854691, en, Living Life in Survival Mode, Nick Keloms, 9781462854691, Xlibris, 04/08/2011, , , , Xlibris, 04/08/2011<
| | kobo.comE-Book zum download Versandkosten: EUR 0.00 Details... |
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.
Nick Keloms:Living Life in Survival Mode
- neues Buch 4, ISBN: 9781462854691
Life isn't always easy. For me it is always like a roller-coaster. You have your ups and your downs and sometimes you feel totally upside down. Unlike a roller-coaster though, in life you… Mehr…
Life isn't always easy. For me it is always like a roller-coaster. You have your ups and your downs and sometimes you feel totally upside down. Unlike a roller-coaster though, in life you have forks in the road that can lead to different avenues and life changing events. I have dealt with the loss of close friends and family members, but have also gained some along the way. I have had to make some diffi cult decisions that would change my life forever. This book is the story of my life so far. T Life isn't always easy. For me it is always like a roller-coaster. You have your ups and your downs and sometimes you feel totally upside down. Unlike a roller-coaster though, in life you have forks in the road that can lead to different avenues and life changing events. I have dealt with the loss of close friends and family members, but have also gained some along the way. I have had to make some diffi cult decisions that would change my life forever. This book is the story of my life so far. There are many strange, funny and challenging events that have happened along the way. I have written about a few lessons I have learned either from other people or the hard way. Hopefully by reading this story you can relate, laugh, be dumbfounded, or even learn something. I hope you enjoy reading about this adventure that I call my life. Book, , Living Life in Survival Mode~~ Nick Keloms~~Book~~9781462854691, en, Living Life in Survival Mode, Nick Keloms, 9781462854691, Xlibris, 04/08/2011, , , , Xlibris, 04/08/2011<
| | kobo.comE-Book zum download Versandkosten: EUR 0.00 Details... |
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.
Nick Keloms:Living Life in Survival Mode
- neues Buch ISBN: 9781462854691
Living Life in Survival Mode Living-Life-In-Survival-Mode~~Nick-Keloms Biography>Biography Other>Biography Other NOOK Book (eBook), Xlibris Corporation
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.