2011, ISBN: 1441777504
[EAN: 9781441777508], New book, [PU: Blackstone Publishing, United States], Language: English. Brand new. Which door would you go through to save the world? David, Xander, and Toria King … Mehr…
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Timescape (the Dreamhouse Kings Series, Book 4)(Library Edition) (Dreamhouse Kings (Audio)) - gebrauchtes Buch
2011, ISBN: 9781441777508
Audiobook CD, Ex-library rental. Includes disc(s), case, and artwork. May have slight wear, library/security stickers, and ink writing. Artwork may have been modified for library case., U… Mehr…
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2011, ISBN: 1441777504
[EAN: 9781441777508], New book, [PU: Blackstone Publishing, United States], Language: English. Brand new. Which door would you go through to save the world? David, Xander, and Toria King … Mehr…
Liparulo, Robert, and Swanson, Joshua (Read by):
Timescape (the Dreamhouse Kings Series, Book 4)(Library Edition) (Dreamhouse Kings (Audio)) - gebrauchtes Buch2011, ISBN: 9781441777508
Audiobook CD, Ex-library rental. Includes disc(s), case, and artwork. May have slight wear, library/security stickers, and ink writing. Artwork may have been modified for library case., U… Mehr…
ISBN: 1441777504
[EAN: 9781441777508], New book, Compact Disc. Shipping may be from our Sydney, NSW warehouse or from our UK or US warehouse, depending on stock availability. 0.249
ISBN: 9781441777508
audio CD
ISBN: 9781441777508
audio CD
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David, Xander, and Toria King never know what new adventures -- and dangers -- await them beyond the mysterious portals hidden on the top floor of their new house. They have battled gladiators and the German army, dodged soldiers on both sides of the Civil War, and barely escaped a fierce attack in their own home. Still they are no closer to finding their mother, who was pulled by powerful forces through a portal and lost in time.
Their only hope is to turn the tables on Taksidian, the menacing stranger who wants them out of the house so he can use it for his own twisted purposes.
But everything changes when a trip into the near future reveals the devastating outcome of Taksidian's schemes -- a destroyed city filled with mutant creatures. It is only then that the Kings realize what they're really fighting for -- the fate of humanity itself.
Detailangaben zum Buch - Timescape
EAN (ISBN-13): 9781441777508
ISBN (ISBN-10): 1441777504
Erscheinungsjahr: 2011
Gewicht: 0,249 kg
Sprache: eng/Englisch
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2012-06-05T04:05:08+02:00 (Berlin)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2019-05-13T10:10:37+02:00 (Berlin)
ISBN/EAN: 9781441777508
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
1-4417-7750-4, 978-1-4417-7750-8
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